Thiay "JT-" Jun Wen Proposes to Wang "Yuno" Jing

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News/Thiay "JT-" Jun Wen Proposes to Wang "Yuno" Jing

04 December 2023 14:52

Screenshot 2023-12-04 225256.png

Invictus Gaming player Thiay "JT-" Jun Wen proposed to LPL caster Wang "Yuno" Jing. According to details Wang "Yuno" Jing accepted the proposal. The proposal came after the victory of Invictus Gaming at Esports Shanghai Masters 2023. Malaysian player finished 4th in TI 2021. The news were received as a shock by the community He "Inflame" Yongzheng commented under his post “I didn't expect it, Jt God”.


Tags: Drama

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