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News/Concord Director Steps Down

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_modificationDateDatetime2024-09-20 1:59:23 PM
_pageNamePageConcord Director Steps Down

News/Concord Director Steps Down


"News" values

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tagsList of String, delimiter: ,Concord
targetsList of Page, delimiter: ,
dateDatetime2024-09-20 1:31:46 PM
authorPageDante Uzel
categoryList of String, delimiter: ,Transfer Market · Drama · Business · Companies · Hires · Investments · Mergers and Acquisitions · Sponsorships · MoreBusiness
gameList of String, delimiter: ,Age of Empires · Apex Legends · Brawl Stars · Call of Duty · Counter Strike · Dota 2 · FIFA · Fortnite · Hearthstone · League of Legends · Mobile Legends · NBA 2K · Overwatch · PUBG · PUBG Mobile · Rainbow Six · Rocket League · Smash · Starcraft II · Valorant · Warcraft III · World of Warcraft · Wild Rift
contentTextRyan Ellis has stepped down as game director at Firewalk Studios and will transition to a "support role," according to multiple sources. Ellis, who co-founded Firewalk in 2018 after leaving Bungie in 2016, announced his decision last week following the offline status of Concord, the studio's latest game. Sony is exploring options to "better reach our players" after Concord launched to disappointing interest, achieving only 697 concurrent players on Steam. '''"Ryan deeply believed in that project and bringing players together through the joy in it, regardless of there being things that could have been done differently throughout development ... he’s a good human, and full of heart."''' '''More:'''[[News/Bestia Partners with 1xBet|Bestia Partners with 1xBet]] Concord's rapid decline was surprising, especially given Sony's confidence in the title. The company secured a publishing deal in 2021 and acquired Firewalk in 2023 before the game's announcement. Critics have pointed to the $40 price tag and described Concord as "an underbaked, overpriced, and dated hero shooter," reflecting a poor reception. While there is speculation about a potential return for Concord as a free-to-play title, staff at Firewalk reportedly feel pessimistic. Some employees have been asked to pitch new projects unrelated to Concord, raising concerns about potential layoffs and the future of the studio.

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1 row is stored for this page
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sourcePageGames Industry