Page values for "News/IronSource Founders to Leave Unity"

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News/IronSource Founders to Leave Unity

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1 row is stored for this page
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_modificationDateDatetime2024-01-12 7:08:56 PM
_pageNamePageIronSource Founders to Leave Unity

News/IronSource Founders to Leave Unity


"News" values

1 row is stored for this page
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Unity Engine.JPG
tagsList of String, delimiter: ,Unity
targetsList of Page, delimiter: ,
dateDatetime2024-01-12 5:09:23 PM
authorPageDante Uzel
categoryList of String, delimiter: ,Transfer Market · Drama · Business · Companies · Hires · Investments · Mergers and Acquisitions · Sponsorships · MoreBusiness
gameList of String, delimiter: ,Age of Empires · Apex Legends · Brawl Stars · Call of Duty · Counter Strike · Dota 2 · FIFA · Fortnite · Hearthstone · League of Legends · Mobile Legends · NBA 2K · Overwatch · PUBG · PUBG Mobile · Rainbow Six · Rocket League · Smash · Starcraft II · Valorant · Warcraft III · World of Warcraft · Wild Rift
contentTextSix co-founders of IronSource are transitioning to non-executive roles at Unity. This move is part of a restructuring plan, with Tomer Bar-Zeev stepping down as CEO by mutual agreement. The co-founders, including Eyal Milrad, Omer Kaplan, Tamir Carmi, Arnon Harish, and Assaf Ben-Ami, will also be leaving their executive positions but will remain employed for the next six months during the transition period. [[News/Unity to Layoff 25% of Its Staff|Unity recently laid off a significant number of employees.]] The company is going through a restructuring according to reports.

"NewsSources" values

1 row is stored for this page
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sourcePageGames Industry
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