Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Participants list team/doc
local cargo = mw.ext.cargo local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs local makeFlag = require('Module:People/Flag').makeFlag local Links = require('Module:Links') local Participants = {} function Participants.main(frame) local args = getArgs(frame) local currentTitleSplit = mw.text.split(mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text, '/') local container = mw.html.create('div') :addClass('p-team-container') local teamsize = args.teamsize local currentTitle = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text local gameCategory = mw.text.split(currentTitle, '/')[1] for key, value in ipairs (args) do local pValues = mw.text.jsonDecode(value) local participant = mw.html.create('div') local team = nil if then -- Check if shorthand of a team was used local tables = 'Teams' local fields = '_pageName, shorthand' local cargoArgs = { where = '_pageName LIKE "' .. gameCategory .. '/%" AND shorthand = "' .. .. '"' } local results = cargo.query(tables, fields, cargoArgs) if #results > 0 then team = results[1]._pageName else team = gameCategory .. '/' .. end local teamName = mw.html.create('div') :addClass('tc fw-600') :wikitext('[['.. team ..']]') if pValues.notes then local notesList = mw.text.split(pValues.notes, ',') for i, v in ipairs (notesList) do v = mw.text.trim(v) teamName:node(mw.html.create('sup'):attr('title', 'Note ' .. v):wikitext(v)) end end participant:node(teamName) end -- Create list of players local playerList = mw.html.create('table') :addClass('table-bordered players') local players = {} local playersDb = '' for i = 1, teamsize, 1 do if pValues['p'.. i] then local playerId = pValues['p'.. i] if pValues['p'.. i .. 'link'] then playerId = pValues['p'.. i .. 'link'] .. '|' .. pValues['p'.. i] end playersDb = playersDb .. (pValues['p'.. i .. 'link'] or 'People/' .. pValues['p'.. i]) .. ',' local flag = makeFlag(pValues['p'.. i .. 'flag'], pValues['p'.. i .. 'link'] or 'People/' .. pValues['p'.. i], gameCategory) players['p'.. i] = mw.html.create('tr') :node(mw.html.create('th'):wikitext(i)) local td = mw.html.create('td') if flag then td:wikitext(flag) end td:wikitext('[['.. playerId ..']]') players['p'.. i]:node(td) playerList:node(players['p'.. i]) end end if team ~= nil and string.len(playersDb) > 0 then frame:callParserFunction{name = '#cargo_store:', args = {_table = 'Participants', team = team, players = playersDb}} end if pValues.s then local playerId = 'People/' .. pValues.s .. '|' .. pValues.s if pValues['slink'] then playerId = pValues['slink'] .. '|' .. pValues.s end local flag = makeFlag(pValues['sflag'], pValues['slink'] or 'People/' .. pValues.s, gameCategory) local sub = mw.html.create('tr') :node(mw.html.create('th'):node(mw.html.create('abbr'):attr('title', 'Substitute'):wikitext('S'))) :node(mw.html.create('td'):wikitext(flag):wikitext('[['.. playerId ..']]')) playerList:node(sub) end if pValues.c then local playerId = 'People/' .. pValues.c .. '|' .. pValues.c if pValues['clink'] then playerId = pValues['clink'] .. '|' .. pValues.c end local flag = makeFlag(pValues['cflag'], pValues['clink'] or 'People/' .. pValues.c, gameCategory) local coach = mw.html.create('tr') :node(mw.html.create('th'):node(mw.html.create('abbr'):attr('title', 'Coach'):wikitext('C'))) :node(mw.html.create('td'):wikitext(flag):wikitext('[['.. playerId ..']]')) playerList:node(coach) end local relativeParent = mw.html.create('div') :addClass('team-list') :node(playerList) if pValues.logoAll then relativeParent:node(Participants.createLogo(pValues.logoAll)) elseif pValues.logoLight and pValues.logoDark then relativeParent:node(Participants.createLogo(pValues.logoLight, 'light')):node(Participants.createLogo(pValues.logoDark, 'dark')) elseif pValues.logoLight or pValues.logoDark then local logo = pValues.logoLight or pValues.logoDark relativeParent:node(Participants.createLogo(logo)) elseif then -- Look up Cargo table for team images local tables = 'Logos' local fields = '_pageName, logoLight, logoDark, logoAll, iconAll, iconLight, iconDark, start, end' local currentDate ='%Y-%m-%d') local cargoArgs = { where = '_pageName = "' .. team .. '" AND (start is NULL OR start < "' .. currentDate .. '") AND (end is NULL OR end > "' .. currentDate .. '")' } local results = cargo.query(tables, fields, cargoArgs) if #results > 0 then if results[1].iconAll then relativeParent:node(Participants.createLogo(results[1].iconAll)) elseif results[1].iconLight and results[1].iconDark then relativeParent:node(Participants.createLogo(results[1].iconLight, 'light')):node(Participants.createLogo(results[1].iconDark, 'dark')) elseif results[1].logoAll then relativeParent:node(Participants.createLogo(results[1].logoAll)) elseif results[1].logoLight and results[1].logoDark then relativeParent:node(Participants.createLogo(results[1].logoLight, 'light')):node(Participants.createLogo(results[1].logoDark, 'dark')) else local logo = results[1].iconLight or results[1].iconDark or results[1].logoLight or results[1].logoDark relativeParent:node(Participants.createLogo(logo)) end else relativeParent:node(Participants.createLogo()) end end participant:node(relativeParent) if pValues.qualifier then local qualifier = mw.html.create('div') :addClass('team-list-qualifier') :wikitext(pValues.qualifier) participant:node(qualifier) end container:node(participant) end local wrapper = mw.html.create('div') if args.showToggle then local toggle = mw.html.create('div') :attr('id', 'team-toggle') :wikitext('Show Players') wrapper:node(toggle):node(container) else wrapper:node(container) end return wrapper end function Participants.createLogo(url, class) local className = class and class .. ' h-100' or 'h-100' local logoURL = url and url or 'Team_placeholder_dark.png' local logoContainer = mw.html.create('div') :addClass(className) local logo = mw.html.create('div') :addClass('team-list-logo') :node('[[File:' .. logoURL .. '|190px]]') logoContainer:node(logo) return logoContainer end return Participants