Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Match/doc
local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs local cargo = mw.ext.cargo local html = require('Module:MatchHTML') local Match = {} local VariablesLua = mw.ext.VariablesLua function Match.main(frame) local args = getArgs(frame) local bestof = args.bestof or VariablesLua.varexists('bestof') and VariablesLua.var('bestof') or 3 local solo = VariablesLua.varexists('solo') args.twitch = args.twitch or (VariablesLua.varexists('twitch') and VariablesLua.var('twitch') ~= '0' ) and VariablesLua.var('twitch') or nil = or (VariablesLua.varexists('youtube ') and VariablesLua.var('youtube ') ~= '0' ) and VariablesLua.var('youtube ') or nil local maps = {} p1score = args.p1score or 0 p2score = args.p2score or 0 for i = 1, bestof do if args['map' .. i] ~= nil then local map = mw.text.jsonDecode(args['map' .. i]) -- If no score is manually set in template, then add to score if map.winner and args.p1score == nil and args.p2score == nil then _G['p' .. map.winner .. 'score'] = _G['p' .. map.winner .. 'score'] + 1 end maps[i] = map end end local neededScore = math.ceil(bestof / 2) local winner = ( bestof % 2 == 0 and p1score + p2score >= neededScore and p1score == p2score) and 3 or (p1score < neededScore and p2score < neededScore ) and 0 or #maps >= neededScore and p1score > p2score and 1 or 2 or 0 local p1Team = (not solo and args.p1) and getTeamPage(args.p1) or nil local p2Team = (not solo and args.p2) and getTeamPage(args.p2) or nil args.p1 = args.p1 and ( solo and 'People/' .. args.p1 or ) args.p2 = args.p2 and ( solo and 'People/' .. args.p2 or ) -- Start creation of output html local team1 =, p1score) local team2 =, p2score, true) local container = mw.html.create('div'):addClass('match'):node(team1):node(team2) -- whereStr and variables used in it will be used if both teams are actually entered, but setting it up earlier to avoid duplicating some code local stage = (VariablesLua.varexists('stage') and VariablesLua.var('stage') ~= "0") and VariablesLua.var('stage') or nil local pageTitle = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text -- Start setting up query for to find which row was added and add 'People/' to casters and observers local date = or '' local whereStr = '_pageName="' .. pageTitle .. '" AND p1="' .. args.p1 .. '" AND p2="' .. args.p2 .. '" AND date="' .. date .. '" AND p1score="' .. p1score .. '" AND p2score="' .. p2score .. '" AND winner="' .. winner .. '" AND bestof="' .. bestof .. '"' if stage then whereStr = whereStr .. ' AND stage="' .. stage.. '"' end local casters = {} if args.casters then casters = mw.text.split(args.casters, ',') for i = 1, #casters do local caster = 'People/' .. mw.text.trim(casters[i]) casters[i] = caster whereStr = whereStr .. ' AND casters HOLDS "' .. caster .. '"' end end observers = {} if args.observers then observers = mw.text.split(args.observers, ',') for i = 1, #observers do local observer = 'People/' .. mw.text.trim(observers[i]) observers[i] = observer whereStr = whereStr .. ' AND observers HOLDS "' .. observer .. '"' end end -- local hover = mw.html.create('div'):addClass('match-details') local hover = html.teamHover(args.p1, args.p2, p1score, p2score,, args.twitch,, casters, observers) -- Don't add to database if no teams are entered if args.p1 ~= nil and args.p2 ~= nil then frame:callParserFunction{name = '#cargo_store:', args = {_table = 'AllMatches', p1 = args.p1, p2 = args.p2, p1score = p1score, p2score = p2score, date =, winner = winner, bestof= bestof, stage = stage, casters = #casters > 0 and table.concat(casters, ",") or nil, observers = #observers > 0 and table.concat(observers, ",") or nil, tiebreak = args.tiebreak and 1, twitch = args.twitch, youtube =, api_id = args.api}} local tables = 'AllMatches' local fields = '_ID' if args.twitch then whereStr = whereStr .. ' AND twitch="' .. args.twitch .. '"' end if then whereStr = whereStr .. ' AND youtube="' .. .. '"' end local cargoArgs = { where = whereStr } local results = cargo.query(tables, fields, cargoArgs) if #results > 0 and #maps > 0 then for i = 1, #maps do local map = maps[i] if string.find(pageTitle, 'Dota2/') then local dota = require('Module:Match/Dota') map = dota.picksBans(map, p1Team.api_id, p2Team.api_id) frame:callParserFunction{name = '#cargo_store:', args = {_table = 'Maps_Dota', map=i, api_id =, matchID = results[1]._ID, duration = map.duration, p1picks = map.p1picks, p2picks = map.p2picks, p1bans = map.p1bans, p2bans = map.p2bans, dire = map.dire, fp = map.fp, winner = map.winner, p1kills = map.p1kills, p2kills = map.p2kills, yt =, vod = map.vod}} dota.main(map, hover, i, results) end end end end container:node(hover) return container end function getTeamPage(team) local currentTitle = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text local gameCategory = mw.text.split(currentTitle, '/')[1] -- Check if shorthand of a team was used local tables = 'Teams' local fields = '_pageName, shorthand, api_id' local cargoArgs = { where = '_pageName LIKE "' .. gameCategory .. '/%" AND ( shorthand = "' .. team .. '" OR _pageName="' .. gameCategory .. '/' .. team .. '")' } local results = cargo.query(tables, fields, cargoArgs) local returnTable = { page = #results > 0 and results[1]._pageName or gameCategory .. '/' .. team, api_id = #results > 0 and results[1].api_id or nil } return returnTable end return Match