Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Infobox tournament/doc
local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs local Links = require('Module:Links') local Header = require('Module:Infobox/Widget/Header') local Subheader = require('Module:Infobox/Widget/Subheader') local LinksWidget = require('Module:Infobox/Widget/Links') local ListWidget = require('Module:Infobox/Widget/List') local LocationWidget = require('Module:Infobox/Widget/Location') local RowWidget = require('Module:Infobox/Widget/Row') VariablesLua = mw.ext.VariablesLua local Infobox = {} local function prizeToString(nr) if nr == nil then return 'TBD' end local prize = '' local reversed = string.reverse(tostring(nr)) for k = 1, #reversed do prize = reversed:sub(k, k) .. prize if k % 3 == 0 and k < #reversed then prize = ',' .. prize end k = k + 1 end return prize end function Infobox.main(frame) local args = getArgs(frame) local currentTitleSplit = mw.text.split(mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text, '/') local headerNode = Header.make(args.title or currentTitleSplit[2], args.logoLight, args.logoDark, args.logoAll) local container = mw.html.create('div') :addClass('ib') container:node(headerNode):node(Subheader.make('Tournament Information')) if args.series then container:node(RowWidget.make('Series', args.series)) end if args.organizer then container:node(RowWidget.make('Organizer', ListWidget.make(args.organizer))) end if args.sponsors then container:node(RowWidget.make('Sponsors', ListWidget.make(args.sponsors))) end if args.type then container:node(RowWidget.make('Type', args.type)) end if args.female_only == 'Yes' then container:node(RowWidget.make('Female only', 'Yes')) end if args.educational then container:node(RowWidget.make('Educational', args.educational)) end if then container:node(RowWidget.make('Location', LocationWidget.make(,, currentTitleSplit[1] .. '/Tournaments'))) end if args.venue then container:node(RowWidget.make('Venue', ListWidget.make(args.venue))) end if args.format then container:node(RowWidget.make('Format', ListWidget.make(args.format))) end if args.prize then local prize = prizeToString(tonumber(args.prize)) if args.currency then prize = prizeToString(tonumber(args.localPrize)) .. ' ' .. args.currency else prize = '$' .. prize end container:node(RowWidget.make('Prize pool', prize)) end if args.start then VariablesLua.vardefine( 'startDate', args.start ) container:node(RowWidget.make('Start date', args.start)) end if args['end'] then VariablesLua.vardefine( 'endDate', args['end'] ) container:node(RowWidget.make('End date', args['end'])) end if args.version or args.patch then container:node(RowWidget.make('Patch', args.version or args.patch, frame)) end if args.participants then container:node(RowWidget.make('Participants', args.participants)) end if args.points then container:node(RowWidget.make('Pro Circuit Points', args.points)) end container:node(Subheader.make('Links')) -- Check if there is a "links" argument and then do magic to add them all to arguments if args.links then local splitLinks = mw.text.split(args.links, ',') for i = 1, #splitLinks do local split = mw.text.split(splitLinks[i], '=') args[split[1]] = split[2] end end local transformedLinks = Links.transform(args) local fullLinks = LinksWidget.make(transformedLinks, 'team') container:node(fullLinks) return container end return Infobox