If you want the tables to wrap themselves onto multiple rows on smaller screensizes, then call {{Wrap}} before calling the first RoundRobin template and a {{Wrap|end}} after the last RoundRobin
Parameter | Description |
page | If the Round Robin template is called on a different page than the matches for that group, then add the pagename where the group is called. |
title | Name of the group, displayed at the very top. |
promote | Number of participants that advance to the next stage |
relegate | Number of participants that drop out. |
stage | If multiple groups on same page, then add a stage name here and then add a stage= of the same name to the Template:MatchList call so the matches would be linked to this particular group table. |
participants | List of comma separated participants, for teams either full names or shorthand like Team Liquid or liquid for example. |
ties | If teams are tied, then add a comma separated list of the team names |
tiePlacements | Used together with ties - comma separated placement number to correlate with the team. In the example below for Group D, TSM is placed into 2nd place as a result |
{{Wrap}} {{RoundRobin |title=Group A |participants=9Pandas, entity,eg,smg,spirit |promote=2 |relegate=1 |stage=Group A }} {{RoundRobin |page=Dota2/The_International/2023/Group_Stage |title=Group B |participants=Azure Ray, betboom, shopify,liquid,thunder |promote=2 |relegate=1 |stage=Group B }} {{RoundRobin |page=Dota2/The_International/2023/Group_Stage |title=Group D |participants=keyd,quest,talon,tsm,tundra |promote=2 |relegate=1 |stage=Group D |ties=tsm |tiePlacements=2 }} {{Wrap|end}}
Will look like this: