Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Class/doc
local Arguments = require('Module:Arguments') local Class = {} Class.PRIVATE_FUNCTION_SPECIFIER = '_' function, init) local instance = {} if not init and type(base) == 'function' then init = base base = nil elseif type(base) == 'table' then for index, value in pairs(base) do instance[index] = value end instance._base = base end instance.__index = instance local metatable = {} metatable.__call = function(class_tbl, ...) local object = {} setmetatable(object, instance) -- Call constructors if init and base and base.init then -- If the base class has a constructor, -- make sure to call that first base.init(object, ...) init(object, ...) elseif init then -- Else we just call our own init(object, ...) else -- And in cases where we don't have one but the -- base class does, call that one if base and base.init then base.init(object, ...) end end return object end instance.init = init instance.export = function(options) return Class.export(instance, options) end instance.is_a = function(self, class) local m = getmetatable(self) while m do if m == class then return true end m = m._base end return false end setmetatable(instance, metatable) return instance end ---@generic T ---@param class T ---@param options ?table ---@return T function Class.export(class, options) for name, f in pairs(class) do -- We only want to export functions, and only functions which are public (no underscore) if ( type(f) == 'function' and (not string.find(name, Class.PRIVATE_FUNCTION_SPECIFIER)) ) then class[name] = Class._wrapFunction(class[name], options) end end return class end local Table = {} -- Duplicate Table.isNotEmpty() here to avoid circular dependencies with Table function Table.isNotEmpty(tbl) -- luacheck: push ignore (Loop can be executed at most once) for _ in pairs(tbl) do return true end -- luacheck: pop return false end --- -- Wrap the given function with an argument parses so that both wikicode and lua -- arguments are accepted -- function Class._wrapFunction(f, options) options = options or {} local alwaysRewriteArgs = options.trim or options.removeBlanks or options.valueFunc ~= nil return function(...) -- We cannot call getArgs with a spread operator when these are just lua -- args, so we need to wrap it local input = {...} local frame = input[1] local shouldRewriteArgs = alwaysRewriteArgs or ( #input == 1 and type(frame) == 'table' and type(frame.args) == 'table' ) if shouldRewriteArgs then local namedArgs, indexedArgs = Class._frameToArgs(frame, options) if namedArgs then return f(namedArgs, unpack(indexedArgs)) else return f(unpack(indexedArgs)) end else return f(...) end end end --[[ Translates a frame object into arguments expected by a lua function. ]] function Class._frameToArgs(frame, options) local args = Arguments.getArgs(frame, options) -- getArgs adds a metatable to the table. This breaks unpack. So we remove it. -- We also add all named params to a special table, since unpack removes them. local indexedArgs = {} local namedArgs = {} for key, value in pairs(args) do if type(key) == 'number' then indexedArgs[key] = value else namedArgs[key] = value end end return (Table.isNotEmpty(namedArgs) and namedArgs or nil), indexedArgs end return Class