Documentation for this module may be created at Module:GameLanding/Upcoming matches/doc
local cargo = mw.ext.cargo
local p = {}
local getTeamLogo = require('Module:Functions').getTeamLogo
local prizeToString = require('Module:Functions').prizeToString
function p.upcomingMatches(game)
local tables = 'AllMatches'
local fields = '_pageName, date, p1, p2, winner'
local currentDate ='%Y-%m-%d')
local cargoArgs = {
where = '_pageName LIKE "' .. game .. '/%" AND ( date > "' .. currentDate .. '" OR winner=0)',
orderBy = 'date ASC',
limit = 10
local results = cargo.query(tables, fields, cargoArgs)
if #results > 0 then
local list = ''
local header = mw.html.create('div'):addClass('transfer__header transfer__row'):node(mw.html.create('div'):wikitext('Time')):node(mw.html.create('div'):wikitext('Team 1')):node(mw.html.create('div'):wikitext('')):node(mw.html.create('div'):wikitext('Team 2'))
local wrapper = mw.html.create('div'):addClass('transfer__container'):node(header)
local header = mw.html.create('div'):addClass('transfer__header'):node(mw.html.create('div'):wikitext('Time')):node(mw.html.create('div'):wikitext('Team 1')):node(mw.html.create('div'):wikitext('')):node(mw.html.create('div'):wikitext('Team 2'))
local container = mw.html.create('div'):addClass('box__container'):node(mw.html.create('div'):addClass('box__title'):wikitext('Upcoming matches')):node(wrapper)
for i = 1, #results do
local result = results[i]
local row = mw.html.create('div'):addClass('transfer__row')
local time = mw.html.create('div')
local team1 = mw.html.create('div')
local vs = mw.html.create('div'):wikitext('[[' .. result._pageName .. '|vs]]')
local team2 = mw.html.create('div')
local currentDate = os.time() -- Get the current Unix timestamp
local dateString =
-- Parse the date string into a table
local year, month, day, hour, minute, second = dateString:match("(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+) (%d+):(%d+):(%d+)")
-- Create a table with the parsed date and time
local targetDate = {
year = tonumber(year),
month = tonumber(month),
day = tonumber(day),
hour = tonumber(hour),
min = tonumber(minute),
sec = tonumber(second)
-- Convert the target date and time to a Unix timestamp
local targetTimestamp = os.time(targetDate)
-- Calculate the time difference in seconds
local timeDifference = targetTimestamp - currentDate
if timeDifference <= 0 then
-- Calculate days, hours, and minutes
local days = math.floor(timeDifference / (24 * 3600))
local hours = math.floor((timeDifference % (24 * 3600)) / 3600)
local minutes = math.floor((timeDifference % 3600) / 60)
local timeUntil = string.format("%dd %dh %dm", days, hours, minutes)
team1:node(mw.html.create('div'):addClass('transfer__player'):node(getTeamLogo(result.p1, game)):node('[[' .. result.p1 .. '|' .. string.gsub(result.p1, game .. '/', '') .. ']]'))
team2:node(mw.html.create('div'):addClass('transfer__player'):node(getTeamLogo(result.p2, game)):node('[[' .. result.p2 .. '|' .. string.gsub(result.p2, game .. '/', '') .. ']]'))
return container
return nil
return p