Call of Duty Exclusivity Deals Are Done

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News/Call of Duty Exclusivity Deals Are Done

Written by Dante Uzel on 20 October 2023 14:37



Xbox CEO Phil Spencer spoke on the exclusivity deals on the latest Official Xbox Podcast and stated not to expect any exclusive content for any version of Call of Duty. Microsoft recently announced the acquisition of Activision Blizzard. The PlayStation version of Call of Duty has had exclusive skins and timed exclusive content for nearly a decade now, however, once Sony's deal with Activision Blizzard ends the exclusivity will end as well.

He stated "The goal is 100% parity across all platforms as much as we can for launch and content. I say ‘as much as we can’ on parity because clearly some platforms have resolution and framerate differences, just based on performance, but there’s nothing else. We have no goal of somehow trying to use Call of Duty to get you to buy an Xbox console. I want the Call of Duty nation to feel supported across all platforms. We’ve been on the other side of some of those skin [deals] and even this [Modern Warfare 3] beta wasn’t on Xbox the first week… I don’t think that helps the community, I don’t think that helps the game."

Tags: Call of Duty

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