Xsolla Sued by Former Employee

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News/Xsolla Sued by Former Employee

Written by Dante Uzel on 01 December 2023 15:02


Source: XSOLLA

Xsolla is facing legal action from its ex-Vice President of Global Accounting. The lawsuit has been filed by Emil Aliyev, who was hired by Xsolla in April of the current year to oversee the company's adherence to diverse financial rules and regulations.

Within a month of his appointment, Aliyev claims to have uncovered evidence indicating a discrepancy of $40 million in the company's accounts. Subsequently, he realized that the funds had been transferred to an account belonging to Xsolla's founder, Alexander Agapitov. Following the reveal he was fired and now he opened a lawsuit of wrongful termination.

Tags: Xsolla

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