Anders Hørsholt Steps Down as CEO of Astralis

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News/Anders Hørsholt Steps Down as CEO of Astralis

Written by Dante Uzel on 09 January 2024 15:16


Source: Astralis

Astralis announced that the CEO of Astralis, Anders Hørsholt, stepped down from his role as the CEO and joined the board as strategic advisor to the executive board. Astralis founder Nikolaj Nyholm will replace him.

Anders Hørsholt, stated "First of all, I am happy with the way the change is happening and the timing of same. I am proud of having served 4 years as the CEO of one of Denmark's most interesting sports and entertainment brands and of the development the business and the organization have gone through during my time. We stand on solid ground, ready to take the next big steps, and with his background, personality and in-depth knowledge of the industry and Astralis, Nikolaj Nyholm is the right man at the helm."

Tags: Astralis

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