CCT Dota 2 Tournament Revealed

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News/CCT Dota 2 Tournament Revealed

Written by Dante Uzel on 21 June 2024 10:30

CCT Dota 2.jpg

The Champions of Champions Tour (CCT) has announced significant news and revealed new Dota 2 tournaments. The inaugural season of CCT's Dota 2 circuit kicks off on June 24th with eight tournaments planned. Specific dates for the remaining seven events are yet to be revealed.

The tournament structure for CCT Dota 2 Season 1 involves two phases. In Phase 1, two teams will receive direct invites to the playoffs, while the other ten teams will be split into two groups of five. The Group stage will feature Round-Robin format matches, all played as Best-of-Three.

Moving into Phase 2, the Playoffs will see eight teams competing in a Double-Elimination Bracket, continuing with Best-of-Three matches. The Finals of the tournament will be decided in a Best-of-Five format.

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Charlie Hanley-Nickolls stated "Dota has a special place in many hearts at GRID and that shows in our long history of Dota support through GRID’s data infrastructure and the Esports Solutions team. We’re excited to integrate this iconic title into our own premier tournament brand this summer."

Tags: Dota 2 CCT

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