Fatih "gob b⁠" Dayik to Leave BIG

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News/Fatih "gob b⁠" Dayik to Leave BIG

Written by Dante Uzel on 27 May 2024 13:56


BIG Clan has announced the removal of long-time member Fatih "⁠gob b⁠" Dayik as the team's head coach ahead of IEM Dallas. Alexander "⁠kakafu⁠" Szymanczyk, the current assistant coach, will step into the role.

Gob b, a German tactician, has been with BIG since 2017, initially as one of the founding members. He has represented the organization three times: as a player and two separate stints as a coach.

BIG Clan announced the news on X/Twitter and stated "Following a decision by the organization, gob b is stepping down from the role of head coach, the decision was made after the ESL Pro League. In the meantime, kakafu will take over his position. We appreciate all your hard work and the impact you had on BIG since 2017."

Tags: BIG Counter Strike
