Frost Giant Studios Asks for Help

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News/Frost Giant Studios Asks for Help

21 February 2024 08:37


Frost Giant Studios asked gamers to support its games marketing by investing in the company. The studio has launched a campaign on the equity crowdfunding platform StartEngine, allowing players to express their interest in Frost Giant by reserving a stake with a $494 investment. Participants in the campaign will receive "multiple common stock shares" in Frost Giant. The campaign is capped at $5 million worth of shares, with the company's valuation set at $150 million.

Frost Giant Studios stated "While we are well funded for an independent studio, we have raised around $35M so far and have dedicated the lion’s share of our funding thus far to hiring a world-class game development team and not on paid promotion. For marketing, we’ve been relying almost entirely on free word of mouth and sharing our progress with the RTS community to grow public awareness of Stormgate."

Tags: Frost Giant Studios

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