Ihor “⁠w0nderful⁠” Zhdanov Joins NAVI

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News/Ihor “⁠w0nderful⁠” Zhdanov Joins NAVI

Written by Dante Uzel on 31 October 2023 16:54


Natus Vincere announced the signing of Ihor “⁠w0nderful⁠” Zhdanov. 18-year-old played last for Sprout. He will replace Oleksandr "s1mple" Kostyliev who announced his decision to take a break from competitive Counter-Strike. “⁠w0nderful⁠” has a 1.23 score on HLTV.

He stated "I'm excited to join such a legendary organization as NAVI! It was my biggest dream ever since I started playing CS. It's obvious, right? I know that it's hard to fully replace a player of s1mple's caliber and fulfill everyone's expectations, but trust me, I'll do everything in my power! Shout out to all the fans and friends who support me, and huge thanks to Natus Vincere for giving me this life-changing opportunity to step onto the big stage alongside my favorite team!”

Tags: NAVI

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