Keywords Studios to be Acquired

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News/Keywords Studios to be Acquired

Written by Dante Uzel on 20 May 2024 12:44


According to recent reports, Sweden’s EQT is in advanced negotiations with [[Companies/Keywords Studios}Keywords Studios]] for a potential acquisition at £25.50 per share. Despite rejecting four previous unsolicited proposals, the board considers this current offer a significant improvement. Pending a firm offer, which must be made by June 15th according to stock exchange regulations, the board intends to recommend it to shareholders.

The board stated that they maintain confidence in the company's growth strategy, emphasizing its commitment to expanding its global platform for video game and entertainment solutions through both organic growth and acquisitions.

The board stated "The board remains confident in the company's growth strategy of building the only truly global platform providing solutions to the video games and entertainment industries, both organically and through acquisitions, and EQT is supportive of this strategy,"

Keywords Studios recently had tough time with some of the remote workers as they organized a strike. The company also announced the acquisition of The Multiplayer Group.

Tags: Keywords Studios
