Scaffold Secures $1.5m

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News/Scaffold Secures $1.5m

Written by Dante Uzel on 26 June 2024 19:11


Scaffold, a development program supporting startups in Alberta, Canada, has secured an additional $1.46M in funding. PrairiesCan, a federal department promoting economic growth in the Prairie provinces (Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba), contributed CAD$1M.

Alberta Innovates, a private organization, has pledged CAD$750k, while Shred Capital, managed by Scaffold leader Matt Toner, is providing the remaining CAD$250k.

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According to release, Scaffold offers mentorship, workshops, investor access, and guidance to developers, aiming to significantly enhance Alberta's gaming industry. The program seeks to double the number of small to medium-sized game businesses in the province.

Tags: Scaffold

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