Written by Dante Uzel on 07 September 2023 11:45

Tim Cain the co-creator of Fallout and Arcanum revealed his thoughts on AI and its use in video games industry. He stated "I think AI would be great to use in games to create more art, make one person make more art, or more detailed art, or make early concept art before you really have any clear idea what you want. I still think thoese things should be done by humans, who understand what they're trying to do, rather than LLMs that have just been trained in areas adjacent to what you want to do. Because if you do that, if you go to AI route, I don't think you're going to get originality, you're just going to get variations on whatever themes you fed them. The thing in all this is how can game development be made where we make bigger, more expansive, more reactive, more visually detailed, and richer games with people. I'm basically thinking of ways AI could be used to reduce the development time, bugs, and team size needed. Not so that you can hire fewer people, but so that indies can make more games that currently require a Blizzard, or a Bungie, or an Epic."
Tags: AI