Crop Circle Games Shut Down

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News/Crop Circle Games Shut Down

26 March 2024 05:20

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Prytania Media announced the closure of Cropt Circle Games. Crop Circle Games, established in late 2022 by Jeff Strain, the founder of Undead Labs, initially attracted industry veterans such as Josh Scherr from Naughty Dog and Ocala Scott-Bellows from Undead Labs.

However, in February of the following year, the studio faced a significant setback. Despite being actively engaged in the development of an undisclosed project, Crop Circle's operations ceased abruptly, indicating the apparent demise of the project and the closure of the studio. Luna Jade stated "Delighted that Prytania Media waited until the end of GDC to notify its furloughed employees Crop Circle Games is closing and we have been officially terminated."

Tags: Crop Circle Games

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