F1 Sim Racing World Championship Returns

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News/F1 Sim Racing World Championship Returns

Written by Dante Uzel on 03 April 2024 21:35

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According to recent news, F1 Sim Racing World Championship will return soon. The 2023 season kicked off in November with high hopes, but it was quickly marred by setbacks. Only one race managed to take place before the sudden cancellation of the second event in December, leading to the suspension of the entire esports circuit.

In an unexpected turn of events, organizers have now condensed the entire season into just a dozen days. F1 Esports has announced two major events: the first will run from April 10th to 12th, featuring simulation races across tracks in Saudi Arabia, Austria, the UK, Belgium, The Netherlands, and the United States. Following a brief break, the action will resume from May 7th to 9th, with drivers competing on tracks in Mexico, Brazil, the United States, Qatar, and the UAE.

Tags: F1 Sim Racing

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