Kindred Spirit Games Launched

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News/Kindred Spirit Games Launched

Written by Dante Uzel on 07 June 2024 13:54

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A new UK studio called Kindred Spirit Games has recently emerged from stealth mode. Co-founders Megan Ralph and Joel Herber announced the studio's creation on LinkedIn, stating that it was established six months ago. Ralph serves as the design director, while Herber is the technical director.

Both Ralph and Herber previously worked together at Mediatonic, the developers of Fall Guys, with Ralph as lead level designer and Herber as lead client engineer. They also collaborated at Land & Sea, an indie studio formed by veterans from Team Alto in 2020. During their time at Land & Sea, Ralph held the position of senior game designer, with previous experiences at Interior Night and Sony London Studio.

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Herber stated "We're channelling our passion and expertise into our debut title, and we can't wait to share updates on our progress and show you what we’ve been working on," the duo said in a statement."

Tags: Kindred Spirit Games

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