Latest Scandal from VALORANT Game Changers

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News/Latest Scandal from VALORANT Game Changers

06 October 2023 21:20

VALORANT Game Changers made the headlines once again with the latest cheating scandal. Earlier today, Riot Games revealed a competitive ruling against team "noot not". Riot Games announced their match versus Complexity GX3 as a forfeit.

The team is not well known within the community however they recently played against Shopify Rebellion and lost. Shopify Rebellion coach teased the team for losing while cheating.

Meanwhile team member "Malibu" rejected the allegations of cheating, however another member of the team,"mili" stated “I am so incredibly sorry to everyone that were supporters and are now disappointed in us. I came back to the team knowing nothing of the new pickup other than that they were a good player. I saw them play and I wasn’t suspicious but in hindsight I can see as to how people can consider it obvious.”


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