Riot Games Reveals HEARTSTEEL

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News/Riot Games Reveals HEARTSTEEL

16 October 2023 16:51

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Riot Games revealed a new virtual music group called HEARTSTEEL. The group will feature League of Legends champions Ezreal , Kayn , Aphelios, Yone, K’Sante, and Sett. The group is announced as a modern music collective. Riot Games recently partnered with Casio.

Maria Egan, Global Head of Music & Events at Riot Games Entertainment stated “The idea of an all-male band has long been speculated on by fans and we’re so excited to bring this fantasy to life. HEARTSTEEL is a deep collaboration between all our talented in-house creative teams and some incredible new artists. The ethos of HEARTSTEEL is a supergroup of musical soulmates greater than the sum of its parts - a philosophy that our community embodies every day through their dedication to our games.”

Tags: Riot Games

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