Rush B Media to Return

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News/Rush B Media to Return

Written by Dante Uzel on 23 April 2024 18:47


Rush B Media announced the return of the company after a 2 years gap. According to news the company will be fully on a volunteer workforce and will cover Counter-Strike news once again. The company stated "We are officially back in business! Make sure to check out our first article back as we introduce you to the new Rush B Media and all the creative minds who are going to be contributing to the site."

Liam “Slevo” Slevin, formerly associated with and, has assumed the role of Editor-in-Chief at Rush B Media. Adam “Incipiens” Conway, recognized for his work with the tl;dr newsletter and XDA-Developers, and Jacob “haloflyer” Halfman on the technical side. The new writing roster will consist of Rush B Media includes Emile ‘armchairigl’ Morales, Ty ‘simba’ Sherback, Joaqin ‘mitsuha’ Valencerina, Tom ‘tomtom94’ Coles, Hugh Dooley, and Pablo ‘VdaK1NG’ Escobar.

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The company went through a significant change in roster. The company officials stated "We are at an exciting juncture in Counter-Strike. Counter-Strike 2 is still fresh, the first Major has come and gone and the stars of tomorrow such as donk and Jimpphat are starting to rise. We hope you are excited to join us on our journey and we appreciate all the support and love we have been shown so far."

Tags: Rush B Media

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