Sentinels' Owners Injects $3.4m to Support

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News/Sentinels' Owners Injects $3.4m to Support

Written by Dante Uzel on 31 October 2023 14:15

Sentinels ed.JPG

Source: Sentinels

North American esports organization Sentinels announced that the ownership group of the organization injected $3.4m cash in order to provide financial support for the organization. The organization also raised $153k from the crowdfunding campaign. Even with this support, it is unknown whether the organization can stay afloat. Sentinels made the headlines following the financial results statement recently, the organization stated that they had only 2-3 months of cash left.

Sentinels CEO Rob Moore said “The investment in the company is a testament to our belief in Sentinels as a brand and the long-term opportunities in esports. We also wanted to provide fans, who are the most important part of our business, the ability to own a share of the company. Our fans have already shown significant support with over $150,000 invested in the company through our crowdfund.”

Tags: Sentinels

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