"nbgee12" Banned for Stealing SSDs

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News/"nbgee12" Banned for Stealing SSDs

Written by Dante Uzel on 06 June 2024 20:31


FACEIT recently issued a ban on 19-year-old Counter Strike 2 pro player, Adam "nbgee12" Zanzoul. The ban stemmed from nbgee12's admission of wrongdoing during IEM Dallas, where he confessed to "taking stuff" he shouldn't have.

The incident surfaced when "nbgee12" openly confessed on CoJoMo's live stream, revealing that he had illicitly accessed the venue at night and appropriated SSDs belonging to prominent players. Initially discussed as a five-year ban during the stream, ESL later escalated it to a permanent ban.

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The 19-year-old has not disclosed the motives behind taking the SSDs. Later in the stream, he admitted that no excuse could justify his actions but cited being "super sleep deprived, hungry, and under the influence.FACEIT decided to impose the ban as the SSDs nbgee12 took were the ones utilized by players during IEM Dallas.

Tags: Counter Strike

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