Capcom Acquires Minimum Studios

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News/Capcom Acquires Minimum Studios

Written by Dante Uzel on 02 July 2024 09:16


Source: Capcom

Capcom announced today that it has acquired a majority stake of Minimum Studios, an animation production company based in Taiwan. This acquisition makes Minimum Studios a subsidiary of Capcom.

Minimum Studios specializes in animation production for consumer home video game development and has previously collaborated on major Capcom titles. Capcom's decision to integrate Minimum Studios as a subsidiary aims to strengthen its developmental and technological capabilities, supporting its strategic objective of achieving 100 million units in annual sales.

According to the release, Capcom plans to further enhance its game development organization by pursuing additional acquisitions of essential technological expertise.

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Company officials stated "Capcom has decided to make the studio its subsidiary company to substantially bolster its development and technological capabilities,going forward, Capcom will continue to explore the acquisition of necessary technological capabilities in order to enhance its game development organisation."

Tags: Capcom

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