Riot Games Reveals New Plans for 2025

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News/Riot Games Reveals New Plans for 2025

Written by Dante Uzel on 12 June 2024 09:11


According to a post from Riot Games League of Legends Championship Series (LCS) after 11 years, it's coming to an end. In 2025, a new Americas league will merge LCS, CBLOL, and LLA into one inter-regional league due to the demand for cross-region competition seen in events like MSI and Worlds.

Riot Games stated that CBLOL and LLA have strong engagement and viewership bases and it will get stronger/ The new league will follow a global schedule with three splits. Performance in the splits will determine qualification for the global tournament in March 2025.

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The top team in split two from both North and South conferences will earn a slot at MSI 2025. Split 3, the Americas Regional Championship, will decide which three teams qualify for Worlds 2025.

Additionally, a new international League of Legends Esports tournament is scheduled for March 2025. This event will mark the third international tournament of the year, occurring prior to both the Mid-Season Invitational and Worlds.

Tags: Riot Games League of Legends

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