Written by Dante Uzel on 18 October 2023 11:33

Twitch streamer "Dellor" was banned for exposing stalkers who threw eggs at his house. He stated that prior to exposing them he warned them that he had the stalker's license plate, name, and address. His warning did not produce any results and he was egged in his house once again. Dellor took the matter into his own hands and exposed the stalkers. Following the incident he was banned by Twitch.
"Dellor" stated “I’ve been banned. I did something stupid, I knew it was stupid and I still did it,.The people just keep coming to my house and pounding on my doors and running away. I’m working with police to get it solved, but I lost my sh*t that night.”
<a href=https://twitter.com/dellor/status/1713989726493884829></a>