Esports World Cup Invites Revealed

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News/Esports World Cup Invites Revealed

Written by Dante Uzel on 08 April 2024 12:13


The Esports World Cup 2024 has unveiled its list of invited teams, including NAVI and Team Spirit, champions of IEM Katowice 2024 and PGL Major Copenhagen 2024, alongside other top-ranked teams recognized by ESL. To complete the roster, qualifiers will take place across six regions: Europe, North and South America, Oceania, Asia, and the Middle East, determining the remaining participants.

Invited teams are,

FaZe Spirit G2 FURIA NA Qualifier Asia Qualifier Oceania Qualifier Natus Vincere Vitality MOUZ Complexity EU Qualifier SA Qualifier MENA Qualifier

Tags: Esports World Cup

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